Heyyy yall ace back with another one. Today I have DTB Ryan from New York. I'm excited you my first New York artist. Let's get to it, I got the drinks and ice of courseeee. Ryan can you grab some papers, I appreciate ya!
So, tell us who are you? Which part of New York are you from?
I’m DTB Ryan, an upcoming artist from the Bronx, New York who’s also spent a lot of his time in Baltimore Maryland.
That's dope. You like Baltimore?
Yeah, I consider it my second home for sure.
Your name is interesting. What does DTB mean? Where did you get it?
"Determine To Ball" ... I just put it together one day. I didn't know what to come up with for my artist's name and I said F*ck it, I'm determined to make it.
I like that. Thats cool forreal. How did you get into the music scene?
I got into the music scene in 2019 when I dropped out of college and started taking music seriously and recording songs.
Is this a career for you now? If not, would you make this a career?
Yes, this is my career and what I aspire to do.
You been doing this since 2019, so at what point did you say, "I'm going take this seriously"?
I always would freestyle a lot growing up in school and on the way to basketball games on the bus but I really wanted to take it serious when I realized I could really do it. It seemed like something impossible at first like no one really believes in you or takes you serious, but I wanted to prove it to myself that I can dream big and accomplish anything I believed in and worked hard for.
Your absolutely right. I think that's something we all realize when we start going. If it's one thing you could change in this industry, what would it be?
I would give upcoming artist more resources and chances/opportunities.
How is the music scene in your city? Anything different compared to other places you've been or seen?
The music scene in the Bronx I’d say is a lot of talented young artists, I’d say it’s also a lot of stuff going on outside of music that might distract and bring artists down unfortunately.
How do you feel the music scene in Baltimore is? Any different than the Bronx?
I feel Baltimore has a lot of talented artists as well and just needs more attention and support from the industry and other cities in general.
I totally agree. That's my plan honestly. If it's one thing you could do to help the music scene in your city, what would it be?
If I could do one thing in my city, I would try to give more people opportunities resources and education. Things I didn’t know on my way and when I started music.
I love that. I think more people should do that. Who are your top artists right now?
Self-first, as you should. You are your first fan/supporter. Do you feel as if music has changed your life? If so, how?
Music has definitely changed my life, positively it gives me something to focus on believe in and pursue, it motivated me and keeps me going. It’s also always been my way to express myself and my escape from all my problems.
May I ask, what do you do outside of the music scene?
Outside of music I have a few small businesses and I play basketball spend time with loved ones and family as much as possible.
If you could sit and have a conversation with your younger self, what would you tell yourself?
I would tell my younger self to not worry and keep doing what I’m doing.
What's something people don't know about you.
People don’t know I speak Spanish; my parents are Dominican.
That's cool. I knew it was something about you. Are you dropping anything soon?
I’m dropping A album called “Innat Mode" on Friday November 17th on all platforms.
Look at that, today the 17th of November. Make sure yall check out the album below! I appreciate you DTB Ryan, for coming through and telling us your story. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you. I'll definitely be looking out.
Check out "Innat mode" Album

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